
Runnin’ Down A Dream

A special thanks to Michael and Christy O. from Las Vegas for their sponsorship of the O. Weekend. It was great to see Mr. & Mrs. O. again after two years.  They are great people and true friends.  Mr. O. may also be an alcoholic which makes me an enabler this past weekend.  Notice the […]

I’m friends With The Urinator

Nothing says summer like catching a great rock ‘n roll show at an outdoor amphitheatre.  Unless you add your buddy pissing on your leg at said amphitheatre. The weekend included catching the Tom Petty show at UMB Bank Pavilion on Saturday night.  Just the thing for two guys who spent the day sharing a 30-pack and a […]


Mr. & Mrs. O. landed last night at 10:30.  We got to sleep around 2:30 and up at 6:00 to start the smoker (ribs to follow).  Once they’re on, back to sleep for a few before the first brew.  Next post will be probably be tomorrow sometime. 


All week long, I made plans to clean the pad for the O. weekend, which begins tomorrow night.  Tonight was the night I would clean the kitchen, scrub the bathroom, vacuum the carpet, and wash the sheets. Instead, I received a call at 6:30 from Issac who said he would buy the beer if I […]

Sorry, Jessica

I would like to apologize to Jessica Alba. My friend Jane told me that Ms. Alba is in town filming a movie. This was confirmed in a news column today. In my post yesterday, I questioned how I would ever be able to “bang” her. That was an extremely sophomoric comment. What I meant to […]

17 Beers a Day, Keeps the Doctor Away

As if I didn’t have enough to worry about…  *  How are we going to kill the new Al Qaeda dip sh-t? *  How will a new Mexican immigration law affect the price of weed? *  How will I ever bang Jessica Alba? *  How can I explain this post to my Mom if she […]

Benny Held Hostage – Day 1

What a crock of crap.  The alarm sounded at 7:00 and it could not be ignored.  I thought about getting in a quick work out but decided to lie in bed watching Imus in the Morning until 7:30.  This caused me to switch into overdrive with the shower and application of Gold Bond Nut Powder. […]