
Well, it was bound to happen but Al Sharpton was in town protesting outside Ameren UE Headquarters.  He pulled up in a Black BMW sedan that stayed parked in the street while he addressed the media.  He called for rollback rates because of hardships customers suffered during the recent blackouts.

He also accused Ameren UE of restoring power to higher income neighborhoods before poorer parts of the area.  “One thing about living in a mansion or a housing project-it all looks the same in the dark,” Sharpton said.


Look, I’m the first person to complain about utility companies but this was an unforeseen disaster.  Actually, I think Ameren UE has done a great job responding to the crisis.  What has been called, “The worst storm in St. Louis in 100 years” is going to be cleaned up within a couple of weeks.  

I haven’t heard any mention of the great job done by local and state governments.  They immediately called in the National Guard because they were, “worried about the heat and its effect on the elderly and other vulnerable people.”

Benny’s Translation – “We called in the National Guard because we were worried about a bunch of idiots looting the city like the country saw during the Katrina disaster.”

Sadly, an Ameren UE employee was killed today and a contractor injured around the same time Sharpton was delivering his rhetoric.  Here’s an idea; get a new hairdo and leave St. Louis the f**k alone.  We will be fine, and if I ever see you protesting in the middle of Highway 40, forgive me for not reaching the brake pedal in time.

If you haven’t seen the Butt Rocket video, please do.  I weep for the future.

Thanks to Leo K. for emailing the Worst calls in sports history from ESPN.  Number 1?  The 1985 World Series.  I think he was safe. 

My pick for the worst call in history happened the same year.  A Tri Sig took me to a sorority dance and afterwards I was coerced by one of her sisters to leave the post-party and go back to her dorm room.  When I returned from duty, my date had gone home with someone else.  The girl I banged was an ugly whore and the one I missed was H-O-T.  The worst call in Benny History. 

A jockey in England head-butted a horse after a race last weekend.  I emphasize with the little guy because there have been plenty of horses over the years I would have loved to head-butt.

I hate acronyms and received the following email today from Dani-Girl: 

“SOB (summer of benny), Are u going to PAP on thurs. even though it will be HTL (hotter than hell) and everyone will be SB (sweating bullets) in their WA (work attire). I am sure after PAP the DSOB’s (drunk sons of bitches) will file into TWS (train wreck saloon) and continue to be DOTA (drunk off their ass) until LC (last call) at which point the HS (hot spot) will be DD (drunken Dennys).  Too bad JC (jody c) will not be here to ESLAT (eat strangers leftovers at tables) since he will be in DJ (dirty jersey), I guess SOL for JC. WORD.”

