

Sherri thanks for the comment, but I may need to quit drinking; or learn karate.  

Congratulations to Jake’s Leg on celebrating their 30th anniversary. 

After reading yesterday’s post, Michael O. said, “Every weekend has the potential to be a 3-day weekend.  It’s all up to you.”

New Stupidity Tax – “If I tell you, I’ll have to kill you.” – Cha Ching – $10.

Tory K. found inside information on the Agenda for 2008 Democratic Convention.

Foamy the Squirrel says no to the Atkins Diet.  Warning: Contains profanity.

Check out the name of the guy who is the World Health Organization’s head of HIV/Aids.

Jane Skinner is hot, and now she’s talking dirty to me. 

Peace activists are hoping a global orgasm on the first day of winter will help bring an end to war and violence.  Their goal is for everyone in the world to have an orgasm Dec. 22 while focusing on peace.  Not a problem; I’ll just rub one out while watching Katie Couric.

I don’t mind you coming here and wasting all my time.


One Response

  1. Arthur’s girlfriend- “A real woman could make you stop drinking.”
    Arthur- “She’d have to be a real big woman.”
    -from the movie ‘Arthur’