
Madame Speaker?  I just puked in my mouth.  Does it bother anyone else that Nancy Pelosi is sitting behind the President holding a gavel? 

Ted Kennedy looks drunk.  Shocker.

Thanks to everyone who emailed pictures, videos, and links because I’ve got nothing tonight.

A photograph that Democrats don’t want you to see. – Thanks, Tory K.

The Power of Makeup – Thanks, Chuck H.

New California driver’s license – Thanks, Tory K.

Dani-girl uploaded some new ones.  And by new ones, I mean big ones.

Watch this girl in a slingshot. – Thanks, Scott B. 

The dangers of Internet dating – Thanks, Leo K.

U.S. gunship crew smokes some insurgents from 2.5 miles away at night – Thanks, Doug O.  (Warning: Contains violence.  And by violence, I mean there are three less insurgents in Iraq.) 

20/20 did a story on cyberbegging. – Thanks, Joby D.  I took offense at not being considered a pioneer, so I sent them an email with a link to the original Summer of Benny.

I am the next American Idol.


2 Responses

  1. Damn it’s going to be a good summer in the Stl at the pool. I’m vote Dani-girl investor of the year.