
Talk about the best part of waking up…

I had a demo with an OB-GYN practice this morning.  I felt kind of creepy standing in a waiting room full of women reading past issues of O.  Not to mention my suit and laptop made me stick out like a turd in a punchbowl. 

Finally, the office manager walked out, and led me back to her office for our meeting.

During the demo, I showed a sample patient form for “Peter Smith.”  Realizing they only have female patients, I said, “You probably don’t see a lot of Peters around here.”  Oops.

ABC – Always Be Closing.

Michael O. from Las Vegas (PST) called me “Marty McFly” because I (CST) can watch TV shows two hours before he does.

An infrared video of me going through airport security – Thanks, Scott B.

Monkey washing a cat.  WTF?

I’d like to kick both their asses.  Idiots.  (Warning: Contains profanity.)

Classic baseball coach Earl Weaver argues with an umpire.  (Warning: Contains profanity.)

What the hell…Donald Trump bought one.

Fox News Anchor explains how Miss Nevada lost her title.

If I only had this power in real life.  (Warning: Contains nudity if you place your cursor over a girl.)  You can slow it down, but something tells me that you would have figured that out.

I’ve never been a big fan of PETA, but their State of the Union address may have changed my mind.  (Warning: Contains nudity.)  You may want to click your back button once she undresses unless you want to see videos of animal cruelty.

On second thought, screw PETA.  I’m going to grill a steak, and then head to a cock fight.

I’m not sick, but I’m not well.
