

This shouldn’t add to any stereotypes.

“If 40 is the new 30, why isn’t 17 the new 18?”

I uttered this line in an attempt to relieve an uncomfortable situation after discovering a girl we were admiring at the pool was 17. I repeated it to some college buddies and they said I was sick. I only mention it because Vance H. thought it was one of the funniest lines he’s heard in a while.

Have you ever gone into a nice restaurant, been asked by the hostess for your smoking preference, and responded, “Weed”?

Me neither.

I spoke with Dentist to the Branson Stars, JR Whatley, today. We hadn’t talked in a couple of years but he knew about the SOB. He said, “I go on there about once a week. I need my Dani-girl fix.”

Those aren’t buoys.

Thanks to TJ for sending the following email: 

I usually don’t pass along these “add your name” lists that appear in my email, but this one is too important. This one has been circulating for 6 months so please keep it going.

The Petition!

To show your support for Hillary and encourage her on her run for President of the United States in 2008, please add your name to the rapidly growing list below and send it on to your entire e-mail list.

1. Bill
2. Chelsea

Keep it moving.

Drunken face plant

Farting preacher

Am I living it right?
