
No, I’m not shopping today. I don’t like shopping at all, so why would I go on a day where I could get my ass kicked for grabbing the last mp3 player?

I call today Black Friday but not because of the shopping. Let’s just say I had a first on this day that involved a bottle of Courvoisier and a sweet little filly named Letisha.

ESPN GameDay is going to be at Arrowhead Saturday morning for the Mizzou/Kansas game. Watch it if you’re close to a television. I’m bringing a SOB sign, and asking a couple of large-breasted coeds to hold it. Where’s Dani-girl and Abby when you need them?

I saw a commercial yesterday for a new Alzheimer’s drug. I’m not making fun of this horrible disease, but I hope there’s a way to remind the patient to take it.

Happy Belated Birthday, Chickie Poo. I’m staying at her place right now while she is on her way back from OK. Don’t say anything, but I peed in the shower this morning.

I’ll guess I’ll change my name.


One Response

  1. This is good stuff …..I saw a commercial yesterday for a new Alzheimer’s drug. I’m not making fun of this horrible disease, but I hope there’s a way to remind the patient to take it.