

Abby & Dani-girl pose for a picture with former Cardinal Jim Edmonds. What are we going to see next?

Two new photo albums have been added: Dani-girl – Lumen VIP Party and Tom’s Wildcard Weekend.

For those of you keeping score at home – I passed my drug test. I guess they didn’t test for beer.

I also received a summons today for jury duty. Man, this is going to be sweet. I hope the case involves a gas station owner from India who had someone pull out of his station with the hose still in the tank.

Sample Jury Selection Questions:

Q: Have you ever been to a gas station that was owned by an Indian?
A: Yes, but I don’t go there anymore.

Q: Why not?
A: I can’t understand what they are saying. And they smell.

Q: I think we’re done here. Do you have any questions?
A: Yes. Where can I get my parking validated?

– I was hoping they would make a Weekend at Bernie’s III. Thanks, Lil’ Bro.

- The awesomeness of Olan Mills. Thanks, Jane B.

How cool were you in high school? Thanks, Freddie R. 

This prank never gets old. 

– Spotting locations in The Sopranos’ opening credits – St. Louis style

– A 737 makes a crash landing in the ocean.

Put me in, coach. I’m ready to play today.

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