
no puking

Many SOB readers know Dani-girl from her numerous pictures. Few know that under certain circumstances, Abby enjoys making fun of Dani-girl’s words.

From wondering how the television works without cable to never hearing of Alka-Seltzer, there is our dear Abby, laughing at Dani-girl’s expense.

It seems the tables were turned over the weekend. They were out Saturday night celebrating Crystal’s birthday, and Abby was the designated driver. On the way home, Dani-girl mentioned that she was feeling sick.

Abby replied that she couldn’t pull over on the highway, but Dani-girl insisted that she had better pull off – sooner than later.

She pulled the car onto the left shoulder, and Dani-girl hung her head out the back door. A pile of snow covered most of the shoulder, so there they were - parked on the highway.

As Dani-girl purged her Captain and Cokes, Abby feverously hit every button and switch trying to locate the hazard lights. After the puking subsided, Abby got the car back up to speed and then…wait for it…noticed a cop in her rear view mirror.

She became increasingly concerned when she looked at the speedometer and it read “90.”

Fortunately the cop drove past them, but she was telling everyone in the car how fast she was going.

“You’re not going more than 50,” someone said.

The following day Abby called home and told her mom that the speedometer was broken. Her mom asked if she had accidentally switched the Miles Per Hour button to Kilometers. Not knowing what that was she went outside to check the car.

Needless to say, that fixed the problem. Abby was glad she had called home for advice because she was considering taking the car to a mechanic. What a conversation that would have been.

Why separate knob? Why separate knob?

One foot on the brake and one on the gas, hey!