
filling the pool 

T-2 days and counting

During the past week I’ve had conversations with three people regarding my diet and exercise program. Below are transcripts of these conversations.

I Like Ike

Issac: What are you up to?

Benny: Getting ready to go for a walk.

Issac: Damn, summer’s right around the corner. You better get running.

Tommy Boy

Tom: Benny, what you got goin’ on?

Benny: I’m about ready to go for a walk.

Tom: Do you ever run?

Benny: I burn enough calories by walking three miles.

Tom: I’m just saying…it wouldn’t hurt to raise your heart rate a little if you’re going to do cardio. I had this same conversation with Crowe Dog.

Benny: Oh yeah, what did he say?

Tom: He said he sweats when he walks. I told him he sweats when he breathes.

Chuck Nasty

Benny: I can’t believe I’ve only lost six pounds.

Chuck H: I can’t believe you lose any weight as much as you drink.

I can show you, I can show you, some of the people in my life.

3 Responses

  1. Benny: hey what are you doing?
    Dani-Girl: about to go for a run…
    Benny: at the lake?
    Dani- Girl: No i do this loop down marine to dorsett and the up the big hill on McKelvey
    Benny: Yea i have walked that before, that hill is killer
    Dani- Girl: yea try RUNNING it
    Benny: shut your mouth

  2. Get on a bike Benny….you’ll lose all the weight you have ever wanted…..and more….and drink all you want.