
Head Shot 

The Riverfront Times chose AngryBlackBitch as their Best Blog of 2008. The Readers voted for Urban Review STL. I thought about putting links to the sites, but they’re just typical, angry liberals bitching and moaning about how bad things are.

There is such a double standard in this country when it comes to race. For example, any black person can make fun of white people dancing. But if I say that blacks like Kool-Aid, I’m called a racist.

I was talking with Issac about Lil’ Wayne’s performance at the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards. He said that I should respect his artistic talent. Artistic talent? The guy grabs his crotch more than Crowe Dog at a Clay Aiken concert.

I better change gears before Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson come knocking at the door.

So I’m talking with Gina Party today on her way back from a meeting in Washington, MO.

“Who did you have a meeting with?” I asked.

“Why?” she replied.

“Because I know a few people from Wash MO.”

“How do you know people from Wash MO?”

“College. That was the best six years of my life.”

“Six years? What did you get your MBA or something?”


“Have you ever thought about being a success coach?”

“Have you ever thought about sucking it?”

“Good talk.”

The baddest man in the whole damn town.