
Old Living Room 

This is a picture of my old living room taken this morning. I got the keys to my new place on March 14th, and have until the end of the month to get out of the old one.

And yes, that’s a Bay City Rollers album in the box. Don’t judge – I was in junior high.

Here’s a chronological look at the move:

March 14th: Get keys to new place and move heavy stuff

March 15th – 26th: Watch basketball and drink beer

March 26th: Take picture of old place for the SOB

March 27th – 30th: Watch basketball and drink beer

March 31st: Down energy drinks and clean out old place

– Chinese recall breast implants. Thanks, Doug O. NSFW

– Finally, some good economic news. Thanks, Mr. O. NSFW

When in doubt, I whip it out. I got me a rock ‘n’ roll band.