
It's Benny's - Not Denny's

I’ve been keeping this on the low down.

Down low.

No doubt.

But John M and I are meeting with a film director this week to discuss turning The Summer of Benny into a movie. The plan is to start small by producing a short film or trailer.

I thought about pitching The SOB as a documentary, but a lot of people would probably end up in jail.

We think the initial project will be a few minutes long. Or about the same amount of time I lasted on prom night. Stupid big boobs.

I like this idea because it makes more sense than spending months writing a movie script that probably wouldn’t get sold. I mean, I doubt there are many producers willing to take a financial risk on an unknown writer that may or may not have a bed wetting problem.

I’m not getting too excited though, because this project may never see the light of day. I’m a little worried the director might read my script – take a look at me – and tell me to have another beer.

I’d walk away like a movie star
Who gets burned in a three way script.
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