
Condom on UPS Drop Box

Waiting until 3:00 to pop the first one on Saturday paid off, as I was able to make it until the end of the pool party this year.

However, the party ended a little early thanks to the pole lease shutting down the band around 11:30.

They told everyone to leave the pool, or risk being arrested.

I’m not one to mess with the po-po, but I stood outside on the street for a while in hopes a patrol car would drive by. You know, to gain a little street cred.

That was the beer talking, because I might as well been wearing an “Arrest Me” sign on my back.

Thankfully none drove by.

And I didn’t wait until 3:00 to start on Sunday.

Somewhere out there on that horizon
Out beyond the neon lights
I know there must be somethin’ better
But there’s nowhere else in sight