
A special thanks to Michael and Christy O. from Las Vegas for their sponsorship of the O. Weekend.

It was great to see Mr. & Mrs. O. again after two years.  They are great people and true friends.  Mr. O. may also be an alcoholic which makes me an enabler this past weekend.  Notice the denial on my part.

I found a great website that deals with job searching and also contains tips for the recently (and soon to be) unemployed. 

Food giant Nestle announced today that they are purchasing the Jenny Craig weight loss company for $600 million.   This is good news for Kirstie Alley who will now be able to get free samples of Kit Kat bars and ice cream to supplement the crappy Jenny Craig Triple Grain Crisps.  Soon to be fatter actress.

I read that Tom Cruise will attend his ex-wife Nicole Kidman’s nuptials to Keith Urban this week in Australia citing Scientology requires him to go for closure.  I guess this means Nicole will have to attend his wedding when he marries Katie Holmes.  Maybe Keith Urban and Katie Holmes can just marry each other and leave these nut bag Scientologists to themselves.

Seacrest out.
