
Wearing an orange vest, dark capri pants, and shoes without socks, Boy George began serving his court-ordered community service by sweeping the sidewalks of New York.  The picture of him holding a broom is not near as funny as seeing a dude wearing capri pants.  And by dude, I mean pole smoker.

Thanks to Kyle H. (Chuck’s son?) and his five buddies at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.  They made a donation of $2.75 to the Summer of Benny and sent the following message:  “This is from 6 Embry-Riddle U. students. We loved your idea and story so far, so we decided to buy you a beer at the Trainwreck Saloon.”


Periodically, I receive hate mail calling me everything from a fat, lazy drunk to a full-blown drain on society.  I guess some people fail to see the humor.  The main reason for the website is this Blog which most people have bookmarked in order to bypass the homepage.  That’s not to say I wouldn’t have loved to sit on my ass and drink beer all summer if the idea had worked.  I will soon be making the Blog my homepage while I find a way to make a living on the internet. 

The NFL has banned Gary Glitter’s anthem, Rock ‘N Roll, Part II after the songwriter was arrested in Thailand on child molestation charges.  Each NFL team is coming up with a new song.  My vote is to let fans smoke weed after every score and crank some Southern Rock.

Is there any other profession that enjoys talking about their job more than teachers?  The worst three words you can hear from a teacher are, “Today at school…”  You might as well open a beer and pull up a chair because you’re going to be there a while.

Muslims are facing extra scrutiny at airport security checks in the UK.   It’s about frickin’ time.

Check out Prince Harry with a handful of titties. 

You’re my lover, not my rival.
