
After my drive home, I added a new definition.

Main Entry: 1pan·ic
Pronunciation: 'pa-nik
Function: adjective
1 : of, relating to, or resembling the mental or emotional state believed induced by the god Pan <panic fear>
2 : halfway home during a 40-minute commute with a brown snake playing peek-a-boo.  Barely make it home, rush to the bathroom, back one out, and realize you are out of toilet paper.

I bought condoms the other day that have an expiration date.  I really don’t need this kind of pressure in my life.

This is what I love about Democrats.  Illinois Senator Barack Obama gives a speech warning against gas guzzling and then leaves in an SUV.

Looks like Dirty Harry is upset with the tabloids for printing pictures of him grabbing boobies.  If I was in his shoes, I would be getting ass every night and publishing pictures on my own, subscription-based website.

RIP, Bruno Kirby.

John M. from KC emailed this crazy link.  Japanese people are just weird. 

I really think so.
