

I don’t care what diet you are on; Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers, whatever…  No diet allows you to eat at the Waffle House at 3:30 in the morning.  Evidentially, I wasn’t following a nutritional plan last night as I found myself at the counter, eating an All-Star breakfast with hash browns (smothered, covered and peppered), 4 hours before I had to be at work. 

I’m sure I earned a lot of points this morning when I arrived 10 minutes late, looking like Keith Richards. 

Thanks to the guys at Embry-Riddle U. for buying me a beer last night.  I enjoyed it so much, I drank 12 more.

To make a bad day worse, this morning I discovered I was out of clean underwear.  Oh, I have back-ups but they are briefs, which I despise.  Nothing motivates me to do laundry more than spending a day with my nut sack crammed into a pair of tidy whities.  I’m tempted to step into the bathroom and go commando.  

I’ve learned that most girls don’t like to be called, “Sugar Tits.”

Friday I’m in Love.
