

Thanks, Dani-girl for today’s picture.  Is it just me, or does MF’er (far right) look like she’s up to something? 

I know most of the perverts that read this are familiar with terms such as Dirty Sanchez, Rusty Trombone, etc…  Until now, I’ve never heard them put into a song.  Enjoy.

Another example of things I see while working in the city; two gay guys holding hands, walking into a tattoo parlor.  I don’t want to know what they got or where they put it.

What happens when you mix 8,500 bottle rockets and lots of Miller High Life?  The Redneck Rocket Launcher. – Thanks Tom d G.

What’s the last thing you usually hear before a Southerner dies?  “Hey ya’ll, watch this.”

I loved a Southern girl once; no, twice.

Paris Hilton gets arrested on suspicion of DUI and Bob Dylan’s new album debuts at No. 1.  Great day.

But, I would not feel so all alone.  Everybody must get stoned.
