

After the sales call and convention today, I went to get my car damage estimated by the Vietnamese chick’s insurance company.  For those of you who don’t know, an Asian-American woman backed into my parked car last week; shocker. 

As luck would have it, the appraiser knew me.  We quickly noticed other damage that I had failed to mention to their claims representative.  Now, the small dent in the door should net me close to the estimated cash value of the vehicle. 

Afterwards, I went to Harpo’s and found Gina M.

Normally, I would deposit this new found money into my internet gambling account.  Since Congress says this is now illegal, I might take it to the local race track, corporate owned casino, or state run lottery. 

Ah, screw that, I’ll just find a local bookie.

At the convention today, I ran into someone who knew one of the 3 girls mentioned in my Cheatin‘ post a couple of weeks ago.  My informant told me that “Miss I’m Leaving You Because You’re Not Rich” is back at home, living with her parents.  Apparently, her rich husband pissed away all of their money.

I found no joy in hearing this news.  I want it noted that she could have ended up in the same situation had she stayed with me.  It just would have been a hell of a ride.

These young girls won’t let me be.
