
David Allen Coe

I don’t know what it is about Thursday nights that makes me drink myself into oblivion, but the streak continued last night. 

I went to the David Allan Coe concert with Tom d G, Crowe Dog, and Mike.  If you’ve never heard of David Allan Coe, he’s a redneck who plays a Confederate Flag guitar.  The crowd was not as diverse as you might find at other concerts.  Hey, at least I didn’t stick out like I would at a Ludacris show.

I still can’t believe my Metro Link fiasco made the airwaves.

As I undressed the other night, I realized the suit I was wearing was over 8-years old.  I didn’t know whether to be happy that I had maintained the same physique all these years, or conclude that I was just as fat eight years ago.

Yesterday, a comedian on the radio said the only reason he watched baseball was to root against the Yankees.  In his opinion, their fans are obnoxious and rude, and if you have any character, you should root for the underdog.  He said rooting for the Yankees was like going to a casino, and cheering for the House.

New research shows that smoking marijuana may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease.  If this is true, at least you won’t forget where you hid your stash.

I was drunk the day my Mom got out of prison.
