

A picture’s worth a thousand words. – Thanks, Scott B.

This picture reminded me of the time in high school when my Dad woke me up at 7AM on a Saturday morning, led me outside to the driveway, and stuck my head in the back seat of the family wagon.

I was a little hung over and didn’t get his point.  He told me to look up at the interior ceiling, and then, I saw the footprints. 

“Clean this up before your Mother sees it,” he said.

I agreed, and he went back into the house.

In our moment(s) of passion, I guess Stephanie and I didn’t think to get rid of the evidence.  I wiped the footprints off the ceiling, and dealt with the day’s worth of dirty looks from Pop.  Deep down inside, I knew he was proud of me.

There will always be a double standard for sons and daughters.  Deal with it.

Guys caught staring at girls. – Funny pictures.

Bobby Knight has troubles getting out of the sand. – Thanks TJ.  Warning: Contains profanity.  Shocker.

Someone turned the movie Office Space into a thriller.

Staying with that theme, here’s me driving to work.

Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta.
