
Just when Tory K. thought it was safe to come back to The Summer of Benny, he writes a comment and gets blasted for expressing his opinion.  I refrained from writing about the election results, but these guys went at it like a couple of heavyweights.

Speaking of heavyweights, check out Klitschko knocking out Brock last Saturday night.  I apologize for the background music, but this was the best video I could find.  Be sure to wait for the slow motion replay.  Brock looks like the alien from Men in Black.

I find it amazing that this Denzel Washington story didn’t make the news. A Hollywood star donates his time and money to help our injured soldiers, and it only appears on page three of the Metro section in San Antonio.  Who says the media has a liberal bias? – Thanks, Tory K.

For those who can’t figure this out, here’s how to use the print screen function on your computer. – Thanks, Tom d G.

If you are a shy person who lacks confidence in social settings, try Tequila. – Thanks Scott B. 

Life imitates art?  The new Tenacious D movie, The Pick of Destiny, is about a kid from a strict Christian family in Kickapoo, MO, and his band mate wears a “Trainwreck” t-shirt.  Hey Crowe Dog, they stole your story, man.

Have you ever been unable to find a used condom, only to watch your dog shit it out the next day?

Me neither.

I’ll be the boy in the corduroy pants.  You be the girl at the high school dance.
