
Why is NBC telling me to be green whenever I watch their network this week?

The Today Show sends Ann Curry to Antarctica, Matt Lauer to Greenland, and Al Roker to some cloud forest in Ecuador. How much damaging carbon emissions did they produce flying these people to the ends of the earth in private jets?

I shouldn’t say they all flew in private jets because I don’t know. But I’m damn sure that American Airlines doesn’t offer daily non-stop flights to the South Pole.

How about this? – The next time you want to inform the American public about different places on our planet, contact the people and scientists already there, and conduct live interviews over the internet?

And don’t get me started carbon credits. He’s beboppin’ and scattin’, and I’m losin’ it!

SOB Late-Night Joke of the Day

Michael Jackson appears on the December cover of Ebony magazine due on newsstands later this month. When asked about his noticeably whiter skin and straight hair, he replied, “That’s what the kids like these days.”

Dani-girl uploaded some new pictures.

Never get this drunk. – Thanks, Leo K.

She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son.
