
wine corks 

Sunday has become our Fun Day. Last Sunday, Gina Party stopped by in the afternoon. She wanted to create a PayPal account, so I helped her while we drank a glass of wine. A glass turned into a bottle. And a bottle turned into three.

Laurie showed up later and offered to drive Gina to Trader Joe’s to get more wine. And by offered, I mean I begged her. Gina returned with a case of Charles Shaw Cabernet. Sheila E., Tom and Dani-girl made the scene, and nine bottles later, it was time for bed.

Mondays are not fun if you’re nursing a wine hangover.

Dani-girl uploaded three new photo albums:

New Year’s Eve 2007

Crowe Dog’s Birthday Bash

Mardi Gras 2008

SOB logo white T-shirts are now available through February 22nd. Some people apparently prefer plain white t’s over pigment-dyed garments. Giggety, giggety, giggety…

Thanks again Mr. O. for coming up with the SOB slogan – Life…12 ounces at a time.

- Ah, the joy of having roommates.

– Guy electrocutes himself after cutting the cleaning lady’s power cord.

– Hardly Working: Six Flags. NSFW

I stood high upon a mountain top, naked to the world, in front of every kind of girl. There was long ones, tall ones, short ones, brown ones, black ones, round ones, big ones, crazy ones.