
ain't going down 

What’s happened since we last met? Glad you asked.

On Thursday I got together with a few college buddies for happy hour. And by hour, I mean six.

Melrose Place had their happy hour on Friday. And by hour, I mean seven.

You might think I spent Saturday on the couch after the previous two nights. Au contraire, mon frère. Gina Party was lurking in the bushes wanting to spend the afternoon at Fast Eddie’s Bon Air. That idea turned into a bust once we got there and discovered the place was packed.

We got back into the car and headed to Hooters. After a few over-priced drafts, we left for the Trainwreck Saloon to see Issac. My liver can only take so much, so my night ended fairly early.

At least that’s what I had planned until I heard a knock at the door at 3:30 AM. I looked through the peephole and saw Tom staggering at my doorstep. “Yeah,” I said.

“Benny Boy, open the door,” he yelled.

“Tom, I’ve seen that face through this peephole before. And nothing good is going to happen if I open this,” I replied.

Of course I let him in, but smirked for a second while making him believe that I wasn’t.

He told me that Dani-girl had just called, and three guys had come home with her and Abby from the bar. I didn’t ask questions. I just got dressed and walked over there with him.

Dani-girl and Abby’s apartment was full of late-night party goers. I knew all of the girls, but had never met the three guys in question. The smile on their faces quickly turned into an “I just got a corn cob shoved up my ass” look when Tom and I walked in.

They were there to party with hot chicks, and probably hadn’t planned on the two of us showing up. Not to mention Crowe Dog’s crew that barged through the door a few minutes later. Apparently Tom had called in the Calvary.

The girls were fine, and Crowe Dog left after an hour or so. Tom passed out on the couch, and I found myself being the only guy in our group still participating. I decided to wait out the Three Amigos. They were all in their early 20’s, and I have since added one of them to my “Top Ten Douche Bags of All Time” list.

I hadn’t heard that much bullshit…well…since I was in my early 20’s.

The sun was coming up by the time the three of them finally left. I waited a few minutes and then whispered, “Sleep tight little fellar,” into Tom’s ear on my way out.

He just grinned and asked me if I wanted to go to a bar later.

Girl you better get your red head back in bed before the morning.