
Broken Ankle and The Gout

As if a broken ankle wasn’t enough, now I have gout in the same foot. Sweet. But the good news is my doctor refilled my pain pills.

I often ponder the mysteries of life. My top three are:

  1. Why are we here?
  2. What happens when we die?
  3. How did Seal end up with Heidi Klum?

If you ever find yourself in Alton, IL, stop by Mac’s Time Out Lounge. I had a couple of Mac’s cheeseburgers and fries last weekend that were incredible. And the pulled pork is also worth a try.

Have you ever had to watch a video on sexual harassment for work - and couldn’t stop thinking how hot the chick in the video was?

Me neither.

I have stood here before in the pouring rain. With the world turning circles running ’round my brain.