
Christmas Lights Bad Attitude

I should be on Day 5 of P90X tonight, but let me recap my progress so far.

Monday (Day 1): Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X

Tuesday (Day 2): Plyometrics

Wednesday: My arms were so sore I couldn’t brush my teeth.

Thursday: My legs were so sore I couldn’t sit down. And I’m not even going to share my toilet story. Man that was scary.

Friday: I could probably get through Day 3 – Shoulders & Arms/Ab Ripper X – tonight. But I’ve decided to give myself one more day to rest. Besides, this bourbon is tasting pretty sweet.

I promised myself I’ll do Day 3 tomorrow, which should actually be Day 6. The “90” in P90X stands for the number of days in the workout program.

I’m calling it P120X.

I just read that Tiger Woods is taking an “indefinite break from professional golf.” Shit, golf is the least of his worries. He needs to take an indefinite break from banging porn stars.

Facebook Update

If you’re a Fan of The Summer of Benny on Facebook, but you’re no longer getting updates on your wall – you need to click “Remove Me from Fans” – and then click “Become a Fan” again.

I guess this has something to do with the URL change.



Apparently Facebook didn’t forward from the old to the new one very long.

Sorry I changed it to the vanity URL – – when we reached 100 fans.

I mean, it was so much easier to say, “Hey, go to my page on Facebook. What’s that? Oh, it’s”


The tree blocking the stop sign in Dogtown was finally trimmed today. I called my photographer, and we plan on getting down there soon for a shoot. I need some new pictures for my portfolio.

-  Tiger Woods sex tape leaked. NSFW

And Harry doesn’t mind if he doesn’t make the scene. He’s got a daytime job he’s doing alright. He can play honky tonk just like anything. Saving it up for Friday night.