
A very special thank you to Christina O. from Nevada for making the first donation to The Summer of Benny. I used the donation to buy a 30-pack of Natty Light.

Today was spent mostly at the pool with friends. I drank half of Christina’s donation and grilled meat.

We watched The Preakness and the Cardinals/Royals game. If anyone found a way to play a Barbaro/Royals parlay, you can have the rest of my beer.

What is going on in New Orleans? Nagin gets re-elected? Unbelievable. Is there anything more annoying than watching a Jesse Jackson interview? He was on one of the cable news channels expressing his support for Nagin. Shocker.

Tomorrow will most likely be spent pool side again. I am meeting my friend, Jane, who is donating a digital camera to the website. In exchange, she would like the world to know that she has a sweet butt.

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