
I am abstaining from making any references to the mid-term election results.

Happy Birthday, Niro. 

Message to Sheila L:  Thanks for continuing to read the blog after moving to Minnesota.  Have a great winter.  I hear they’re mild.

Theresa H. sent me an email because she thought I might like this girl.  She was correct.

Just when I thought we made it through a day without mentioning Dan-girl, I see her in a movie.  Warning: You must be at least 21 years old, and enter your country and birthday to view.  This is a liquor company site; not porn.  Sorry.

She has man hands.

According to Modern Drunkard Magazine, the ’86 NY Mets liked to party. – Thanks, TJ.

I think this chick had too much to drink.

Sacha Baron Cohen (a.k.a. Borat) sings In My Country There Is Problem.  Spare the hate mail.  He is Jewish and trying to expose ignorance and anti-Semitism.

Question for the younger readers: Why do you spend time composing text messages in your cell phone when you could just call?

You know you’re getting old when the cologne you wore “back in the day” can now be found at Wal-Mart.

Lately it occurs to me what a long, strange trip it’s been.


16 Responses

  1. I’ll say something about the midterm elections. Here’s what bothers me. I understand some people weren’t happy with their republican senator or congressman, but by giving control to the dems they don’t have any idea what they’ve done to our country. Most, including a friend that voted for McCaskill, don’t know who Nancy Pelosi is. In short she is San Francisco values. She has opposed every terror fighting method the Bush administration has used to keep us safe. She is a true secular- progressive that thinks America is the problem with the world. Nov 7, 2006 was a very sad day in our nation’s history, even sadder is the fact that the people that made it sad don’t understand the repercussions of their actions. We live in a post-911 world, unfortunately Ms Pelosi and Harry Reid want to go back to the days where you don’t take the fight to the enemy. They brought it here once and now our fellow citizens have aided them by weakening our country.

  2. Tory if you feel so strongly go sign up and go over and fight in Iraq and bring all your relatives with you . Yes, Pelosi is a whack job, I thought this administration claimed victory in Iraq and Afghanistan. Hmmm were are we know. What is our strategy?

  3. Your first sentence shows your lack of understanding of the world we live in and your inability to conduct a civil debate. That would be like me saying “you feel so strongly that gays should marry, why don’t you become gay and get married”. Try and bring a little more to the table next time. I don’t know what left-wing site you’ve been reading, but we won quite handily in Afghanistan. Don’t you get why there are daily bombings and killings in Iraq? The terrorists know that people like yourself will grow weak over time and demand withdrawal. They know they can wait us out. Just put enough blood on tv and the Americans will leave and we can turn the country into an Islamic terrorist haven state. Osama bin Laden gets it, George W Bush gets it(and he’s not that smart right?)…so why don’t you get it? They also know people like yourself will demand a date we’re “bringin ’em home”. So basically just wait us out either way. Your line of thinking would be comical, if it wasn’t so sad.

  4. OK, lets just stay there, let them kill a few US soldiers every day, that ought to keep things just hunky dory. We won in Afghanistan? Tell me what youve been reading, theres still stuff going on there on a daily basis. Lets just leave our soldiers in Iraq, with no goal in site and let them get picked off just like NAM. I was all for IRAQ when I thought we had a plan, right now, we dont know what the hell we are doing. Your boy Bush is pulling a Clinton by starting to comprimise with the other side because all he is worried about know is his legacy.Im not looking for a date to bring them home, just someone to call the shots to right this ship, and from everyone I talk to NO ONE HAS AN ANSWER. They hate each other over there and will NEVER get along. Im sure now that the Dems are in control that soon pot will be legalized, none of us have to work and big business is doomed. How will you claim victory in IRAQ? If your such a smart guy, what is your plan? You have to give me more than they havent attacked us here. We have had five years to get our National Security together, Im sure its the lefts fault its not quite were we need it to be, they have been a pain in the ass but give me some substance here.

  5. Wow is right. I didn’t answer between 9:38pm and 6:38am on a Friday night. I guess you must really be looking to me for answers to leave a late night message and then be up at the crack of dawn for my reply. Saying that there’s still stuff going on in Afghanistan is the weakest argument I’ve ever heard. The Taliban was removed from power, a democratically elected govt is in charge and because there’s a few Taliban running around causing a few problems you think we didn’t win? I guess I have to question whether you want us to win. When history already says we won there and you still want to argue it, I guess there’s not much I can say to change your mind. So basically you’re pulling a John Kerry on Iraq. You were all for it when we marched into Baghdad and pulled the statue down. Now that you actually have to keep your will about you and stay for the tough times, Bush doesn’t have a plan and the whole thing is a waste. People like you have lost your will to fight these guys. Why don’t you blame the terrorists that are trying to kill our soldiers? It’s much easier to just say Bush doesn’t have a plan. The plan is to stay and fight. The plan is to train Iraqis until they can handle the security we are now controlling. Just this past week, it was announced that roughly 8,000 for Baathists will be getting their govt jobs back. These are the ones that were just employees, not death squad people. This has been a major point of contention. I’m sure you don’t want to hear it, but 8k people going back to work will be a good thing. I don’t know what your argument that “these people will never get along” is supposed to prove. Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait all surround Iraq and have mixed populations and they get along. Your final argument is a joke, how can you say we haven’t been attacked in 5 years and that we still need to get our national security act together? Seems like that proves our natl security act is together. People like yourself like to play the game of putting all the questions on people like me, when your only solution is to bitch and moan and blame everyone else.

  6. Its impossible to debate with a moron. Check the history books, Russia claimed victory several times in the war with Afghnistan. How do you define winning in IRAQ? If the mission is clear go for it in IRAQ, but when we have no clue it is time to re-evaluate. Did I say pull them out , no, just take of your conservative blinders and address the issue. Now that the people have spoken, things will be evaluated. Rumsfield short changed the Army in regards to technology and thats who is taking it in the rear in IRAQ. You cant fight this type of war with bulky weapons. Check history, these whack jobs will “NEVER GET ALONG”. When have they gotten along? These other countries you speak of haave a history of being somewhat civil. I can picture you now, 5’8, 200 pound lil weeble without the nuts to back anything up , but you sit back and be captain big nuts, lets kill em all.

  7. It’s also impossible to debate with a liberal that may not want us to lose in Iraq, but if that’s the thing that has to happen for Bush to lose, so be it. You asked me what my plan was. I told you. Now you want me be a dictionary and define winning. We’ve won the war, I just have the 200 lb balls to stay and help a country that would be run by people like al-Sadr if we quit engaging them. You are right that we can’t fight this type of war with bulky weapons, but we also can’t be in every corner of Iraq and stop every attack either. That’s why things like getting decent people their jobs back is a good thing. It’s not just winning militarily, it’s putting in place the institutions that bring stability to a society. That’s part of the plan, not something that can happen overnight, look at how slowly our own govt does things. We certainly aren’t Russia, I think when we claim victory it goes a little farther than a communist propaganda handout. People like yourself would rather trust propaganda though. You didn’t say pull them out, you just give the same endless second guessing that your new leader of the house gives. If you could get those liberal blinders unhitched from your head, you’d see these people have lived under tyranny for decades. They voted for the first time 11 months ago. Sorry it’s not on the lightning quick track you’d like, but where is your genious plan? I don’t think our troops would be re-upping in record numbers if they didn’t believe in the mission, or that we didn’t have a plan. I highly doubt the Army guys think we’re losing in Iraq. But you keep believing Brian Williams, CNN, PBS and the rest of the blame America crowd.

  8. Dude, get out, get a real job, get out of the trailor or apartment and get a level head. You must be spending to much time in north city smoking the crack then coming home and watching cable to form your opinions. Your blind to the facts and truths. The people of IRAQ are just tickled that we are there…….what percent are happy?
    Im done dealing with you, you cant talk to a moron that is so far right they are blind to the issues and facts. Your as bad as Nancy Pelosi (spelling) your just coming from the other side. Peace out.

  9. A liberal telling me to get a real job. Now that’s an oxymoron. It’s hard to argue with a person that is blind to how to use the word “your”. If you’re trying to say “you are” then it’s “you’re”. Enjoy your dreamworld where you pretend we aren’t in a war against real terrorists. If we would have listened to your(correct usage of the word) bs over time, all of Europe would be referred to as Germany, the Soviet Union would still be humming along and Kuwait would now be part of Iraq. Your type always touts our freedoms, but rarely want others around the world to enjoy such freedoms.

  10. Hey Assinine,

    Either use your real name or shut the fuck up. Although, after reading your posts, “Assinine” may be your real name; especially since it’s misspelled.

    Your words and opinions make no sense, and you are in serious need of a grammar lesson.


  11. Why proof read when you are dealing with morons? When all else fails, change the conversation to spelling/grammar. Good luck boys/girls (nothing personal but Tory can go both ways and maybe you do), keep an open mind as we go forward.

  12. For the record I am not calling Benny a moron. Ever since this website Benny is my idol, one of the cooler cats I admire from a distance. I admire him for coming in and trying to calm the debate. This website is about Benny ,T@A , comedy and should be of nothing serious . Hats off to Benny, my idol.