
Once again, I hear a song on the way to work, and it’s been going through my head all day.  Unfortunately, today was some stupid song by Justin Timberlake, and I have no idea why I was listening to it.

Cause I, gotta have you naked by the end of this post.

O.J. Simpson has written a new book titled, “If I did it”, and explains how he would have committed the murders had he been the one responsible for the crimes.” 

If he did it?  That’s like me saying, “If I liked beer.” 

Some douche bag is selling his soul over the internet. 

Joey Skaggs is selling a watch that detects bullshit.  If you have the time, read some of the pranks this guy has pulled.  Classic.

Mike K. emailed the Best Tattoo Ever.  Warning: Contains graphic nudity.

With eight seconds left in overtime, she’s on your mind.


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