
I was busy tonight, so I only have time for a quick joke.  However, I will be working diligently over the weekend on my salute to Black History Month.

Joke of the Day 

A guy phones up his boss’ house, but gets the boss’ wife instead. He asks to speak to her husband.

“I’m afraid he died earlier today,” she says.

The next day, the man calls again and asks for the boss.

“I told you,” the wife replies, “he died yesterday.”

The next day, he calls again and once more asks to speak to his boss. By this time, the wife is getting upset and shouts, “I’ve already told you twice that he died. Why do you keep calling?”

“Because,” he replies, laughing, “I just love hearing it!”

2 Responses

  1. Benny, you taking bets yet on what time the power goes off tonight? Let me know when you open the window.

  2. Tory,

    My guy is taking Ameren UE action tonight until 9PM. Here are the current odds:

    Power goes off at your residence (City) – 8/5
    Power goes off at your residence (County) – 3/1
    Over/Under on Power Outage (Hours) – 6′
    Over/Under on time of being on-hold to speak to an employee of Ameren UE (Minutes) – 12′
    Over/Under on President of Ameren UE appearing on television to claim how his company respnoded brilliantly to another winter storm (Hours) – 36′

    All wagers begin at 12 Midnight on 2/13/07 and are considered “Action”.