
Last Friday, I almost skipped Happy Hour because the NAACP Image Awards were on FOX.  TGFT (Thank God For TiVo).

I guess I left the party too soon because Crowe Dog hooked up with Dani-girl’s college roommate later that night.  I didn’t ask for details, but seeing her in NY Knicks shorts and knee-high boots Saturday morning spoke volumes. 

I will now cease all rumors about Crowe Dog and Ryan Seacrest.

PETA is asking us to become vegetarians to fight global warming.  They cite a 2006 UN report that says animals raised for human consumption generate more greenhouse gases than all of the cars and trucks in the world combined.  We’re talking farts and poop here.

I’ll give up my ride before I give up ribeyes.

I haven’t heard a response yet from Al “An Inconvenient Baby Ruth” Gore, but based on how he looked at the Oscars, I doubt he’s giving up cheeseburgers anytime soon.

Uncle teaches his little nephews to smoke weed.  Douche bag.

Foul-mouthed parrot (Warning: Contains profanity…from a bird.)

Erin Brecht Phone Experiment.  Tell her The Summer of Benny wants naked pictures.

Jamaican Bikini Contest (Warning: Contains nudity and links to adult websites.)  I think I found my next vacation spot.

Don’t want to hear about Mr. Right ’cause he’s out of town tonight.  Baby come and spend some time with Mr. Wrong.


7 Responses

  1. I love all of these global warming tree huggers. They said South Korea just had their warmest winter in over a century and it’s due to global warming. So 1900 was the last time it was this warm in the winter….doesn’t that prove the earth goes through normal warming and cooling cycles! I don’t recall any Tahoes cruising around back then either. Gore’s a moron.

  2. Nice English, Lynn.

    By the way, the former KC Chiefs kicker, best remembered for missing three field goals in a playoff loss against the Indianapolis Colts, spells his name Lin Eliot.

    Good effort, though.

  3. Better, killings are down and the libs are starting to realize they’re not the commander in chief.