
rich kid 

The warmer temperatures today had the snow melting like Crowe Dog into the arms of Ryan Seacrest.

Have you ever been on a diet and ate an entire sleeve of Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookies before going to bed?

Me neither.

Stupidity Tax Offense: Saying that you hate moving your clocks forward for daylight savings because you lose an hour of sleep. Cha Ching! $10.

– Fly on Big Balls Airlines. Thanks, Ken B. NSFW

– My son is a heterosexual. Thanks, Jeff B. NSFW

– Will Arnett appears in a sex tape with the Olsen twins. NSFW

I know a place where I can go when I’m alone.

2 Responses

  1. um….I ate a whole sleeve of peanut butter cookies for dinner last night….I need help…