

Cricket update: I decided that since I’m not Chinese, crickets aren’t that lucky. So I sprayed insecticide in my apartment like Napalm. And I haven’t heard a chirp since.

I’m a little tired after flying back from Bab’s $28,500 a plate fundraiser for Obama last night. If you believe that, shoot me an email because I have a ’96 Saab I’m looking to unload for $15k.

Tom B. sent me a text message to say the St. Louis Co. Library wouldn’t let him access the SOB on their computers because it was considered ‘Adult Material’. Good thing I never go to the library.

But that gave me an idea. I have no porn on the site, but since Google and the St. Louis Co. Library think I do, I’m going to prove them right.

There’s a website in Japan that’s been linking to a PG-13 video on my server for months. I wrote a script that redirects the link to the SOB homepage, but that’s not going to teach anyone a lesson.

So here’s what I decided to do. I yanked the redirect script off the server. Drink, I said yanked. I then replaced the PG-13 file with hardcore porn (Thanks, Mr. O).

People all over the world…join hands.

3 Responses

  1. benny,
    saw your chicks out sat night…looking good! them westport girls are tough to crack….or maybe my game just needs some retooling?
    j time

  2. Earth to Jingle Nuts…

    That’s what happens when you use your real name when posting a comment. I changed all of your comments to “Josh H.” as the user.

    Now let this be a lesson to you.