There isn’t much time to write this morning because (a) I have to get ready for work and (b) I’m making a wish list for a sex toy party this weekend. Anyone know if they make a Jessica Alba blow-up doll?
That reminds me of a quick story. Tom and Crowe Dog stopped by my place a couple of months ago. CD noticed the new computer in my home office and asked, “Is that where you get all your work done?”
“No, that’s where I look at internet porn.”
“Really?” he replied.
Tom interrupted and said, “I wouldn’t touch that mouse.”
Here’s a joke I wrote the other day:
A woman runs into a girlfriend that just got back from Las Vegas. “How was your vacation?” she asks.
“What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right?”
“Try telling that to my gynecologist.”
Check out the Photos page after Dani-girl uploaded a couple of new albums – Ms. Westport and Abby’s Birthday.
This Day in Benny History:
1998: In KC to visit Dad in hospital
1999: Golf at Annbriar (103)
2003: PM – 2 mi. run
2004: Friends of Kids with Cancer 5K at Westport Plaza – Janae beat me be by 7 min. (show off)
2005: Watched football at Ozzie’s
2007: AM – 4 mi. walk / PM – Taco Tuesday at Casa with Gina Party
– Little girl buries her dead goldfish. Thanks, Sheila E. NSFW
– After a two year visit to the United States, Michelangelo’s David is returning to Italy. Thanks, Tory K.Â
– 1999 NY Times article warning about potential troubles with Fannie Mae. Thanks, Laura M.
So get down on your knees. And let me know you’re eager to please.
SuperHot puts extra green sauce in Allison’s Taco at the late nite drive thru…
What’s up, Tad? You wouldn’t believe the Taco John’s fan club I hang with. Here are a few highlights I remember when we worked at TJ’s.
1. Putting cash in our pockets from drive-thru orders, and using the money to buy beer from your brother who stole it from the grocery store he worked at across the street.
2. Covering that drunk dude’s taco burger with Super Hot Sauce after he asked for mild.
3. Hiding Kahlua and beers in the cooler on weekend nights.
4. Asking the fat guy if he wanted anything for his family after he placed a massive order.
Good times…
And for the record, you beating me for Class Clown was political.